Fluch Der Karibik 4 Music Download Mp3

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Fluch Der Karibik 4 Music Download Mp3


If the correct stroke position, stroke speed and bow pressure are selected, the string is picked up again by the bow at the end of this movement and taken along again (stick-slip effect), the string vibrates constantly.

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When the bow is applied to the string, it is therefore first deflected in the direction of the stroke until the restoring force of the string is greater than the static friction between the bow cover and the string: the string returns against the direction of the stroke.. The left hand is used both to support the instrument and to grasp the strings The right hand holds the bow which is used to strike the strings between the fingerboard and the bridge.. The violin lies on the left side on the shoulder and chest of the violinist and is held by the left edge of the lower jaw.. Due to the surface structure of the horsehair and the application of colophony, the bow has a high adhesive force due to the static friction.

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